Important News for US Anglers Going to Brazil for Peacock Bass

Brazil tourist visa for United States Citizens

American anglers headed to Brazil to chase peacock bass (or for any other reason) in the near future take note: Starting October 1, 2023, YOU NEED TO HAVE A TOURIST VISA TO ENTER THE COUNTRY.

This will also apply to anglers from Australia, Canada and Japan.

When Hanna and I chased peacocks on various Rio Negro tributaries north of Manaus in 2011 and 2012 we were required to get visas. We found it to be a fairly complicated and picky system – you had to pay in a certain way, use certain colors of ink, and so on. It also required giving up you passport for a certain amount of time. Even though we’re fairly experienced travelers and I have an Embassy just a short walk from my office, the whole process made me nervous. Accordingly, if you’re taking a trip in the coming months, you need to get started ASAP. If you arrive in Brazil before October 1st, you will not need the visa, even if you are leaving after that date.

When I returned to Brazil on an exploratory trip in 2019, the visa requirement had been waived. While the requirement was reinstated this spring, I haven’t seen any discussion of it in the fishing media. We sincerely hope that this column helps someone avoid the costly and dispiriting mistake of showing up for their trip unprepared.

For More Information:


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