Multiple PBs at El Salto for MaryAnn Sages

MaryAnn Sages caught her personal best bass at El Salto Mexico

We recently heard from Todd Sages about his November trip to Lake El Salto in November, but I’m even more excited to get the “real story” from his wife MaryAnn. Same trip, same couple, but you never know how their stories or perspectives will differ.

First, a little background: MaryAnn’s first memory of fishing was with her father and her two brothers when she was young. “We would go to local lakes with our push button rods and a carton of worms,” she said. One day in particular, she remembers that she and her brothers were catching fish faster than her dad could take them off the hook. They caught all types of freshwater and some saltwater species at the marina close to where they lived.

She fished a little bit in her early twenties but it wasn’t until she met her husband, Todd Sages, that she took it to the next level. She fished with him a few years before he thought she was ready to enter a buddy tournament with him. She was nervous because she really wanted to do well for him. It was his birthday and their first tournament together. On MaryAnn’s second cast she felt a bite and set the hook, catching their first fish. She was ecstatic!! This gave her the confidence to keep going and together they won first place.

After that day she fished a few other tournaments as a rider with Todd. In one, they were on Lake Champlain in upstate New York and on Day One of a two-day tournament she won the rider pool. Since then Todd and MaryAnn have enjoyed a few other tournaments and several fishing vacations together where they created many lasting memories. They have traveled to Mexico and caught largemouth on both Lakes El Salto and Picachos. They also fished saltwater in Los Cabos where they caught Sierra Mackerel. She would love to go back and check roosterfish off the bucket list.

Closer to home, they’ve fished Lakes Jordan (NC) and Murray (SC), the St. Lawrence River (NY/Canada), Candlewood (CT), and Champlain (NY), where they caught many largemouth and smallmouth bass. Their dream is to continue to explore new places and retire in a warmer climate so that they will be able to enjoy fishing together all year long. MaryAnn is beyond grateful that they have had the opportunity to be able to share a love and passion of fishing together.

Here's Mary Ann’s Mexican story, in her own words. Click on the arrow below to listen:

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