Popping Porn

Panama yellowfin popping tuna sportfishing robbins

I’ve yet to go popping for big yellowfin tuna or GTs. The former is scheduled for Panama next April and the latter has yet to be put on the calendar – but it’s definitely going to happen. In the meantime, I have to content myself with days at the keyboard, watching YouTube videos and surfing for new gear. The latter endeavor has opened my eyes to all sorts of brands and items that I never knew existed. If you want some of the same, here are a few shops to check out:

Saltywater Tackle in New Jersey is run by Sami Ghandour, one of the world’s experts in popping and jigging gear and travel. As soon as we get this COVID crap under control, I hope to make the drive up there to check out his shop.

Jig N Pop is another New Jersey based outfit that specializes in high end gear from companies like Carpenter, OTI and Black Hole USA.

Elite Fishing Tackle is an online vendor in Australia which likewise carries brands including FCL Labo, Heru, Nature Boys and others – and their well-designed website allows you to search by brand, species and technique.

GT Fishing in Germany makes it clear which species they’re most obsessed with, and the site can be translated into English for easy reading – and ordering.

Rokmax is another European outfit, this time in the UK, that offers an extensive selection, not just of popping gear but for a wide variety of species and techniques.

PecheXtreme is yet another popping superstore in Europe, this time in France. Why are the Europeans so ahead of us on this kind of specialization?

I’m truthfully just glad that I don’t know which tackle I’ll need for these dream trips because I’d be putting my credit card to the test. As it is I’ve got an itchy trigger finger to buy a giant Shimano Stella.


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