Oh, Just EAT IT

I named this one “Lunch”

I get asked all the time: “Why don’t you eat the fish you catch?”

The large majority of the fish Pete and I catch are released. Catch and release fishing is a conservation practice developed to prevent overharvest of fish stocks in the face of the growing human populations.

We’re in it primarily for the thrill of the catch, but most people can’t conceive of spending all of that time and money to catch something so delicious, only to put it right back in the water.

But we didn’t even consider release for one type of recent catch. As of February 13, 2020, I can finally tell you: “YES, we caught, filleted, pan fried and ate mahi mahi.” 

Minutes out of the water it was on my plate, and it was so good.  I’m sure it tasted that much better because I CAUGHT IT.

And don’t worry, mahi mahi are remarkably plentiful.

You just have to know what to catch and when to release.

Bon Appetit!

Our mate at Casa Vieja Lodge preparing the mahi mahi for lunch
Mahi and pasta salad for lunch on the Finest Kind at Casa Vieja Lodge in February 2020


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