Know the Rules, Wear the Rules

Jessie Jessup shirt with Florida recreational saltwater fishing regulations brilliant

I’d never heard of Jessie Jessup Apparel company of Florida until I came across their peacock bass t-shirt. If I haven’t already made it clear, I’m obsessed with peacocks and can’t wait to head back to the Amazon – as soon as this damn virus gets out of the way.

Perusing the catalog online, I found that most of JJ’s gear is tailored to a saltwater market, and especially (but not entirely) to species found in Florida, like Mahi Mahi, Sailfish and Hogfish. Their designs are clean and the lineup includes shirts, hoodies, hats, jewelry, neck gaiters and even pet gear.

The shirt that stood out the most, only because I’d never seen anything like it, is the one with Gulf of Mexico fishing regulations on it. Combined with a ruler running down the sleeve, if you wear it you have no plausible excuse for breaking the rules — regardless of your gender, because they come in both mens and women’s versions.. Simply brilliant. I suppose there are all sorts of similar info you could put on a shirt, but adding in the allowable blood alcohol content or the states’ age of consent might invite all sorts of moral hazards.

Nature Boy Designs, a company that produces a variety of kickass products, including customized rod cases, offers a similar shirt (known as “Size Matters),” which includes a ruler up the sleeve.

Nature Boy Designs shirt with ruler on sleeve

No Picky Eaters


Spread Fish It’s the Brooklyn Way