Predator Ain't Got Time to Bleed

Predator Fly Gear Bowfin Shirt grinnel mudfish choupique trash fish rough fish apparel

“Chucking big fluff at big slabs” – that’s how Predator Fly Gear describes their fishing preferences. There’s nothing wrong with a native brookie sipping a size 22 dry fly, or a sac au lait chewing your mini jig, but you’ve gotta respect a company that sells clothing and art dedicated to all manners of toothy critters and piscatorial ne’er do wells.

I initially found their site because I was looking for peacock bass gear, and I was further intrigued when I found out they had clothing dedicated to Giant Trevally (AKA, “Geets”) as well as my 2019 fish of the year, the Payara, but the item that intrigued me most was their Bowfin shirt. Whether you call the bowfin, grinnel, mudfish, choupique or something else, I don’t know a lot of people who avidly chase these prehistoric freaks, let alone advertise it on their body, but it got me thinking. I spend so much time and energy chasing exotic toothy bastards around the globe, when maybe I have some right in my backyard. In this time of quarantine and social distancing, that’s kind of comforting.

Predator Fly Gear Bowfin hat grinnel mudfish choupique dogfish apparel headwear


Places to Shop: Scottsboro Tackle


Getting Old But Staying Young